Monday, December 21, 2009

3 months.....

Here are a couple of pictures taken of Jonathan last week when he turned 3 months. I can't believe how quickly time flies. Jonathan is a very happy, content baby, who likes to snuggle with mommy. I love when he nuzzles into me and babbles. He absolutely loves to watch his older brother and I love watching the two of them interact more. Trevor can make Jonathan smile and he's very proud when he does.
Jonathan seems to always have his hands by his mouth. Sometimes I wonder if he's teething, but it's probably a little too soon. Just the past couple days he has successfully gotten his thumb in his mouth, but it has quickly come out due to a lack of control. I think we may have a thumb sucker on our hands though, we'll see!

x-mas cookies....

A week ago I baked Christmas cookies with my sister-in-law Christina, and she made Trevor a large Christmas tree, which he was very excited to decorate.
Working hard on his decorating................

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

goose egg

This morning Trevor walked right into a door knob : (
I guess accidents like this are more likely when you're
just 3ft tall! He wanted me to take a picture of his
goose egg, so I could post it on the blog.
He's quite proud as you can clearly see.
How many of these am I going to see in my future raising 2 active little boys.................

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

x-mas party & first snow...

Matthew & I attended a Christmas party over the weekend. Trevor
stayed home with a sitter and Jonathan came with us. He did
great! I fed him at 6:30pm and then he slept while we socialized. It
is great to feel like we can do normal things again. The morning of the
party I had my hair cut and straightened. I can never get my hair to look
like this when I do it on my own : )

So I think winter has arrived. This morning we woke to a couple
inches of snow. Here is Trevor ready to do some shoveling for mommy
out back. He loves getting all bundled up and playing out in the snow.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

the last 2 months.....

At the hospital waiting for an actual room to open on the unit....the beds were full!
My water had broken at home at 1:20pm.

All hooked up and waiting.......

After being in labor for 8hrs and pushing for almost
an hour and a half my midwife decided that an emergency c-section
was necessary. Things moved very quickly after that.
I was very scared to say the least.
Jonathan Seeley Willis
September 15, 2009
8lbs 12oz
20 inches
Beautiful and healthy
Trevor LOVES his baby brother so much : )

Jonathan today at 2 1/2 months! Time goes by
very fast with 2 boys.

Trevor and Jonathan

Friday, September 11, 2009


So, I have an induction schedule for next Friday, Septempber 18th~unless Grasshopper decideds to come before on his own. I'm not dialated any more than last week, but my midwife said Grasshopper has dropped down more. I've had very, very swollen feet and ankles this week and today my blood pressure was the highest it's been the whole pregnancy. These couple things along with the belief that Grasshopper is big contribute to Linda's decision to induce. So, next Friday I'm to call the hospital at 7am to see if there is a bed available (which there should be). If one is available then I'm due to check in at 8am.

I'm still very much hoping that Grasshopper decideds to come on his own, so I don't have to be hooked up to the evil drug Oxytocin (petocin). Linda told me to walk a lot, so I will do this even though walking is not a very comfortable activity right now. Matthew and I are very excited to know that if Grasshopper doesn't come on his own these next few days that we will be holding our new baby boy next Friday. We can't wait to meet him and introduce him to Trevor.

Friday, September 4, 2009

a little bit more.....

So, I've progressed just a little bit more since seeing my midwife last week. I am almost 3 centimeters dialated and almost completely effaced. Linda feels pretty strongly that I will go into labor on my own by next Friday, but if not I see her again on the 11th. If Grasshopper has not shown up by then we will set a date for induction for the following week.

She also lifted my restriction from walking. I went for a 30 minute walk earlier and it felt as good as can be expected, being that I'm 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow, huge, and uncomfortable. I saw the specialist yesterday for the last time~yeah! He still thinks I'm going to have a big baby and still brought up the fact that I may need a c-section b/c of baby's size. I'm praying that my body will be able to avoid that and bring G-hopper into the world naturally.

Trevor has been with grandpa and grandma Willis this past week at the cabin. They are on their way home now, and I can't wait to see Trevor. I really miss him and his smilely face.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

delivery month....

I'm very excited that today is September 1st, and I've made it to my delivery month. I've been following my midwife's instructions and have taken it very easy these last few days in hopes that Grasshopper doesn't come before this Saturday when I'm 37wks. I continue to experience some pain and pressure, so I'm anxious to see Linda again this Friday to see if I've dialated anymore. I see the specialist on Thursday morning and hope that it will be the last time.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I am very happy to report progress from today's appt with my midwife. I am 70% effaced, which means that my cervix is almost completely thinned, and I am 2 centimeters dialated. I have been experiencing a lot of pain and pressure lately and it's nice to be affirmed and know that I wasn't just imagining things.

I am officially 36 weeks tomorrow (8/29) and 37 weeks next Saturday (9/5). Because I'm not full term until next Saturday I've been instructed to take it very easy this next week. I had been walking a lot on the tredmill, but Linda said no more walking until I'm officially full term. Trevor is leaving for the cabin early tomorrow morning with grandpa and grandma, and will return next Wednesday, so the timing is perfect. I will have plenty of time to rest these next few days as well as get some chores done around the house.

My midwife is very confident that I will go into labor naturally and will not need to be induced. I am very happy about this, since I was induced with Trevor I would love to see what it's like to just let my body do its natural thing. Please pray that Grasshopper will get to full term, since the chance of him needing to be in the NICU increases greatly if he's preterm (before 37 weeks).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

40 days.....

So, just 40 more days until my due date. I sure hope it's less than that though. I am pretty miserable these days. Every task seems like this giant mountain to climb. Everything I do is uncomfortable i.e. doing dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, making dinner etc. My hormones must be shifting b/c these past 5 days I've been so emotional, had a couple bad headaches, and have even felt nauseous.
Matthew hung the valence rods in Grasshopper's room over the weekend, which look great. However, when I put the valences up they weren't as long as I would like them to be. So, I'm not sure if I'll leave them, or take them back and buy other ones. All I really have left to do in Grasshopper's room is to load up the changing table with diapers, wipes, etc., and continue filling his dresser with clothes.
I saw my midwife last Friday, the 14th. She encouraged me to just go to the appt. with the specialist on Sept 3rd. She will read his reccommendation, but assurred me that she and I will discuss when and if I'm induced. I see her again next Friday, the 28th and then weekly after that until Grasshopper's here. She will check to see if I'm dialated at next weeks appt. I do feel like by body is slowly changing and getting ready for delivery, so hopefully next weeks appt. will confim this hunch I have.

Friday, August 7, 2009

another appt down.....

Had another appt. with the specialist yesterday. My amniotic fluid is within normal range now, so that's good. They estimated Grasshopper's weight to be 6lbs 11oz with a plus/minus 1lb margin of error. So, of course the doctor continues to be concerned that he is going to be big. He mentioned concern that I won't be able to have a natural birth if he's too big. I truly, honestly feel that he's not as big as they're estimating, and that my body would be able to deliver an 8 or 9lb baby, but I'm no doctor. The specialist frustrated me b/c I feel like he is trying to dictate when Grasshopper should come. I continue to stand firm in not wanting to be induced before 39wks. I told the doctor I would continue to discuss all of this with my midwife since he's not the one delivering anyway. Unfortunately, the specialist wants to see me again on Sept. 3rd to "estimate" Grasshopper's weight AGAIN! I'm going to check with my midwife at next weeks appt. to see if it's really necessary that I go, since the tech in her office can "estimate" his weight as well. Just 50 more days until my due date : )

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This past Sunday, August 2nd Matthew & I celebrated
our 6th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been
6yrs already. We had a highschool girl watch Trevor
while we went out and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner.

Friday, July 31, 2009

today's appt....

I met with my midwife this morning. Everything looks great : ) Grasshopper's heartbeat was nice and strong. I'm still measuring ahead of schedule but not by 2 weeks anymore, so that's good. These last 2 weeks I feel like I'm more rounded instead of sticking straight out. My midwife told me that my specialist has been giving mom's with extra amniotic fluid the option of amniocentesis at 37 weeks, to check lung maturity, and if this looked good he would then be for inducing.
I told my midwife Linda, NO WAY! I am not having a foot long needle shoved through my belly button and uterus. I may complain a lot about how uncomfortable I am, and trust me I am uncomfortable, but not enough that I would opt for this test! Linda and I will talk about induction at 39 1/2 weeks if Grasshopper hasn't come on his own by 39. I see the specialist on the 6th and Linda again on the 14th. I can't believe August 1st is tomorrow. Something about being able to say, "I'm due next month," sounds so wonderful even though August has 31 days in it.
On a side note I was taking clothes out of the washing machine this afternoon and as I was putting 2 pairs of Matthew's jeans in the dryer I couldn't believe how much I was craving to wear a pair. I can't remember life without this belly jutting out infront of me.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

60 days or less.......

Just 60 more days until my due date of September 27th! I am very ready for Grasshopper to be here. The last few days I've been SO uncomfortable! My back is sore, it's hard to sleep, I'm up a minimum of 3 times to use the bathroom at night, I'm so ready to be done sleeping on my sides, I'm tired of the taste of Tums, it's so hard to keep up with Trevor, and I just feel like a gigantic blob.
Matthew just returned from a ServiceMaster Convention in Boston this past Saturday, so now he will be close to home as we await Grasshopper's arrival. The nursery is just about finished. I will post pictures when it's complete. I see my midwife this Friday and will post an update after that.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

pictures of Trev painting.....

Okay, I figured it out. I wish I wasn't so technically chalanged.


Yesterday my brother came over to paint Grasshopper's room. I'm so excited to have that finished. Now I can dust, arrange the room, have Matthew hang some stuff, pull out bins of old clothes from I must be in nesting mode!
My brother allowed Trevor to paint using his "big roller," and Trevor was SO excited!

Blogspot is not allowing me to post pictures of Trevor painting.....frustrating! I will try again later.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

belly shots.....bare...

more pain & pressure...

So, I continue to experience more pain & pressure, especially at night! I'm very sure that I've also had contractions the last 2 nights. Only a couple each night but still, it does make be a bit nervous since I just entered my 32nd week. Even though I would love to go for a walk, since the weather has been so cool, I've been just resting since I'm not sure what's going on with my body and grasshopper right now. I don't want to bug my midwife since nothing was happening when I saw her this past Wednesday. So, I'll just continue to take it easy and see what happens in the next few days.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


My urine test came back negative, so this is a huge answer to prayer. I'm still experiencing pain and pressure, but it's managable. As much as I'd like to meet him, grasshopper needs to stay put and finish baking at least for another 7 weeks, so I can get him to full term. I'll go back and see my midwife again on July 31st!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

pressure and pain....

Just returned from seeing my midwife. The past few days I've been experiencing some pain and pressure that has been uncomfortable. While at my appt. they tested for a UTI, which came back negative. I am not dialated at all and my cervix looks good, so these are two good signs. My stomach is measuring 32 weeks instead of 30 weeeks, which continues to further her thinking that grasshopper will be big. The final test they performed was a second urine test, which will take 24hrs to get results. This test is pretty fascinating. They are looking specifically for some chemical that is released from grasshopper into the amniotic fluid, which will then show up in my urine. If this specific "thing" shows up it's very, very likely that I could have him in 2 weeks or less.
My midwife will call me tomorrow with the results. If the test comes back positive then I would be put on bedrest and given steroid shots to further develop grasshopper's lungs. Hopefully it comes back negative b/c I think I wouold seriously go crazy if I had to be on bedrest. My gut tells me that it will be negative, but we'll see tomorrow. Today the pain and pressure have been pretty bad. The good news is that grasshopper's heartbeat was strong and consistent and he continues to be a very active little guy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

got pink eye.....

Yes!!! This morning I woke up with a crusty/watery right eye and my immediate thought was that I had pink eye. I've never had pink eye before, so I wasn't sure if it was necessary for me to see my doctor. But I googled pink eye & pregnancy and one of the articles stated that I should go. My doctor quickly confirmed that it was pink eye and has precsribed me eye drops. He said it should clear up within 48-72hrs, so that's good. I'll take pink eye over a sinus infection any day though. The only symptoms I'm having are a pink eye, itchiness, and a little burning. The doctor did say that it's very contagious, so I'll be checking Trevor's eyes obsessively for the next week or so.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

another appt w/specialist...

This morning I saw the maternal medicine specialist again. Grasshopper is doing great! He was very active during the ultra-sound and his heartbeat was strong and steady. My amniotic fluid has balanced out more, but is still in the abnormally high level. Grasshopper is measuring 1 week and 5 days ahead of schedule with a 10oz plus/minus error of measure. The doctor continues to believe that Grasshopper is going to be big! They thought the same with Trevor, and induced me and he wasn't even 8lbs, so I've told the doctor and my midwife that I would prefer to not be induced with this one until I've reached the 40 week mark~if I make it that far! I see my midwife next Wednesday, and the specialist again in 4 weeks. Matthew and I are pretty sure we've decided on colors for the nursery, so my brother will have the painting done hopefully before August arrives. I very much want to get the nursery completed. I think I'm slowly staring to nest already.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trev, midwife, & preggo pic....

Here is a picture of Trevor taken the morning of his 3rd birthday! He was very excited to have a birthday and for about 5 days after continued to ask when he will have another. Trying to explain what a year is to a 3 year old is impossible, "what's a year, what's 12 months, what's 365 days..........!"
I had an appt. with my midwife last Thursday. Grasshopper is doing great! I'm still measuring a week ahead and I will now be seeing my midwife every other week until I hit 36wks. I see the specialist again this coming Thursday. He will measure the amniotic fluid again to see if I'm in the abnormal range still as well as re-meausuring Grasshopper's weight. This picture of me was taken just this morning. I'm definately in the uncomfortable, 3rd trimester stage i.e. puffiness, heartburn, sore back, shortness of breath (just sitting), tiredness, and many more! I hate to wish summer away, but I really want September to be here! I'm ready to meet this little guy and have him change residency : )

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

second attempt & update......

Okay, so I'm a horrible blogger! I haven't blogged in months and want to make a second attempt at it. I love reading my family and friends blogs and think it's such a great way to keep informed on "life."
A quick update on our lives over these past months. Most of you know that Matthew and I are expecting! Trevor will have a little brother due to arrive on or before September 27th. Trevor has affectionately nicknamed his brother "grasshopper." Matthew and I are still trying to decide what name we will give this little guy, so we call him grasshopper all the time! This pregnancy has been very difficult compared to Trevor's. Morning sickness started at week 6 and didn't end until week 18. It was so much more intense than it ever was with Trevor. I actually was throwing up! Horrible doesn't even begin to describe the agony I felt during those 12 weeks. I thought it would never end. Poor Trevor watched so much t.v. during this time. In fact, I have a serious aversion to the movie "Cars" b/c we watched it so many times, while I would sleep! Seeing anything related to that movie seriously causes me to become nauseous! Fortunately, after week 18 I no longer took Zofran and felt amazingly better!
In addition to the nausea I had a lot of first trimester bleeding, which landed me in the E.R. Matthew and I were sure we were losing the baby, but when they did an ultra-sound grasshopper was bouncing around and had a great heartbeat : ) As a result of the bleeding I experienced my mid-wife has me seeing a specialist in addition to my normal appts with her. I've been seeing the specialist every 4 wks during the pregnancy. Three weeks ago I thought maybe it would be my last appt., but then I was diagnosed with Hydramnios. Hydramnios means that I have an abnormally high level of amniotic fluid which could put me into pre-term labor. At my last appt. with my mid-wife my stomach was measuring a week ahead. My last appt. with the specialist, grasshopper's weight was measuring 2 weeks ahead of my due date. So, as a result of these 2 things the speicalist wants to continue seeing me throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. I'm 27 1/2 weeks now and am experiencing all the usual 3rd trimester aches and pains. I will post some belly pictures soon!
Trevor just celebrated his 3rd birthday on the 26th and we had a party for him this past Sunday. I will also post some pictures from that soon! I can't believe he's 3 already. Time goes by way to fast. He is doing great! He loves tools, sports, swimming at grammy & grandpa's, baking with mom, and doing all he can do to help me grow as a mother! Matthew and I aren't sure how much Trevor understands about having a baby brother, but we talk to him all the time about grasshopper and that when he's done growing in mommy's tummy he will come to live in our home and be a part of our family! He's very sweet and will rub and kiss my tummy. One of his favorite things to do is to "zerbert" grasshopper, well actually my stomach, but I'm sure grasshopper can hear/feel the vibration!