Friday, September 11, 2009


So, I have an induction schedule for next Friday, Septempber 18th~unless Grasshopper decideds to come before on his own. I'm not dialated any more than last week, but my midwife said Grasshopper has dropped down more. I've had very, very swollen feet and ankles this week and today my blood pressure was the highest it's been the whole pregnancy. These couple things along with the belief that Grasshopper is big contribute to Linda's decision to induce. So, next Friday I'm to call the hospital at 7am to see if there is a bed available (which there should be). If one is available then I'm due to check in at 8am.

I'm still very much hoping that Grasshopper decideds to come on his own, so I don't have to be hooked up to the evil drug Oxytocin (petocin). Linda told me to walk a lot, so I will do this even though walking is not a very comfortable activity right now. Matthew and I are very excited to know that if Grasshopper doesn't come on his own these next few days that we will be holding our new baby boy next Friday. We can't wait to meet him and introduce him to Trevor.

Friday, September 4, 2009

a little bit more.....

So, I've progressed just a little bit more since seeing my midwife last week. I am almost 3 centimeters dialated and almost completely effaced. Linda feels pretty strongly that I will go into labor on my own by next Friday, but if not I see her again on the 11th. If Grasshopper has not shown up by then we will set a date for induction for the following week.

She also lifted my restriction from walking. I went for a 30 minute walk earlier and it felt as good as can be expected, being that I'm 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow, huge, and uncomfortable. I saw the specialist yesterday for the last time~yeah! He still thinks I'm going to have a big baby and still brought up the fact that I may need a c-section b/c of baby's size. I'm praying that my body will be able to avoid that and bring G-hopper into the world naturally.

Trevor has been with grandpa and grandma Willis this past week at the cabin. They are on their way home now, and I can't wait to see Trevor. I really miss him and his smilely face.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

delivery month....

I'm very excited that today is September 1st, and I've made it to my delivery month. I've been following my midwife's instructions and have taken it very easy these last few days in hopes that Grasshopper doesn't come before this Saturday when I'm 37wks. I continue to experience some pain and pressure, so I'm anxious to see Linda again this Friday to see if I've dialated anymore. I see the specialist on Thursday morning and hope that it will be the last time.