Tuesday, June 30, 2009

second attempt & update......

Okay, so I'm a horrible blogger! I haven't blogged in months and want to make a second attempt at it. I love reading my family and friends blogs and think it's such a great way to keep informed on "life."
A quick update on our lives over these past months. Most of you know that Matthew and I are expecting! Trevor will have a little brother due to arrive on or before September 27th. Trevor has affectionately nicknamed his brother "grasshopper." Matthew and I are still trying to decide what name we will give this little guy, so we call him grasshopper all the time! This pregnancy has been very difficult compared to Trevor's. Morning sickness started at week 6 and didn't end until week 18. It was so much more intense than it ever was with Trevor. I actually was throwing up! Horrible doesn't even begin to describe the agony I felt during those 12 weeks. I thought it would never end. Poor Trevor watched so much t.v. during this time. In fact, I have a serious aversion to the movie "Cars" b/c we watched it so many times, while I would sleep! Seeing anything related to that movie seriously causes me to become nauseous! Fortunately, after week 18 I no longer took Zofran and felt amazingly better!
In addition to the nausea I had a lot of first trimester bleeding, which landed me in the E.R. Matthew and I were sure we were losing the baby, but when they did an ultra-sound grasshopper was bouncing around and had a great heartbeat : ) As a result of the bleeding I experienced my mid-wife has me seeing a specialist in addition to my normal appts with her. I've been seeing the specialist every 4 wks during the pregnancy. Three weeks ago I thought maybe it would be my last appt., but then I was diagnosed with Hydramnios. Hydramnios means that I have an abnormally high level of amniotic fluid which could put me into pre-term labor. At my last appt. with my mid-wife my stomach was measuring a week ahead. My last appt. with the specialist, grasshopper's weight was measuring 2 weeks ahead of my due date. So, as a result of these 2 things the speicalist wants to continue seeing me throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. I'm 27 1/2 weeks now and am experiencing all the usual 3rd trimester aches and pains. I will post some belly pictures soon!
Trevor just celebrated his 3rd birthday on the 26th and we had a party for him this past Sunday. I will also post some pictures from that soon! I can't believe he's 3 already. Time goes by way to fast. He is doing great! He loves tools, sports, swimming at grammy & grandpa's, baking with mom, and doing all he can do to help me grow as a mother! Matthew and I aren't sure how much Trevor understands about having a baby brother, but we talk to him all the time about grasshopper and that when he's done growing in mommy's tummy he will come to live in our home and be a part of our family! He's very sweet and will rub and kiss my tummy. One of his favorite things to do is to "zerbert" grasshopper, well actually my stomach, but I'm sure grasshopper can hear/feel the vibration!