Friday, August 28, 2009


I am very happy to report progress from today's appt with my midwife. I am 70% effaced, which means that my cervix is almost completely thinned, and I am 2 centimeters dialated. I have been experiencing a lot of pain and pressure lately and it's nice to be affirmed and know that I wasn't just imagining things.

I am officially 36 weeks tomorrow (8/29) and 37 weeks next Saturday (9/5). Because I'm not full term until next Saturday I've been instructed to take it very easy this next week. I had been walking a lot on the tredmill, but Linda said no more walking until I'm officially full term. Trevor is leaving for the cabin early tomorrow morning with grandpa and grandma, and will return next Wednesday, so the timing is perfect. I will have plenty of time to rest these next few days as well as get some chores done around the house.

My midwife is very confident that I will go into labor naturally and will not need to be induced. I am very happy about this, since I was induced with Trevor I would love to see what it's like to just let my body do its natural thing. Please pray that Grasshopper will get to full term, since the chance of him needing to be in the NICU increases greatly if he's preterm (before 37 weeks).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

40 days.....

So, just 40 more days until my due date. I sure hope it's less than that though. I am pretty miserable these days. Every task seems like this giant mountain to climb. Everything I do is uncomfortable i.e. doing dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, making dinner etc. My hormones must be shifting b/c these past 5 days I've been so emotional, had a couple bad headaches, and have even felt nauseous.
Matthew hung the valence rods in Grasshopper's room over the weekend, which look great. However, when I put the valences up they weren't as long as I would like them to be. So, I'm not sure if I'll leave them, or take them back and buy other ones. All I really have left to do in Grasshopper's room is to load up the changing table with diapers, wipes, etc., and continue filling his dresser with clothes.
I saw my midwife last Friday, the 14th. She encouraged me to just go to the appt. with the specialist on Sept 3rd. She will read his reccommendation, but assurred me that she and I will discuss when and if I'm induced. I see her again next Friday, the 28th and then weekly after that until Grasshopper's here. She will check to see if I'm dialated at next weeks appt. I do feel like by body is slowly changing and getting ready for delivery, so hopefully next weeks appt. will confim this hunch I have.

Friday, August 7, 2009

another appt down.....

Had another appt. with the specialist yesterday. My amniotic fluid is within normal range now, so that's good. They estimated Grasshopper's weight to be 6lbs 11oz with a plus/minus 1lb margin of error. So, of course the doctor continues to be concerned that he is going to be big. He mentioned concern that I won't be able to have a natural birth if he's too big. I truly, honestly feel that he's not as big as they're estimating, and that my body would be able to deliver an 8 or 9lb baby, but I'm no doctor. The specialist frustrated me b/c I feel like he is trying to dictate when Grasshopper should come. I continue to stand firm in not wanting to be induced before 39wks. I told the doctor I would continue to discuss all of this with my midwife since he's not the one delivering anyway. Unfortunately, the specialist wants to see me again on Sept. 3rd to "estimate" Grasshopper's weight AGAIN! I'm going to check with my midwife at next weeks appt. to see if it's really necessary that I go, since the tech in her office can "estimate" his weight as well. Just 50 more days until my due date : )

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This past Sunday, August 2nd Matthew & I celebrated
our 6th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been
6yrs already. We had a highschool girl watch Trevor
while we went out and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner.